Cannabis Resources
Looking for Cannabis Information?
Cannabis was used for medicinal, spiritual, and social purposes for centuries, long before it was repudiated in the 20th century. The resources here vary across historical, political, health, and religious areas.

Federal Advocacy & Tracking Initiatives
Historical References
- The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 | Drug Library | 1930 – 1937
- The Report of the National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse | Commissioned by President Richard Nixon | March 1972
- The African Roots of Marijuana | Chris S. Duvall | Duke University Press | 2019
Condition Specific Health
Austism Autism | Leafwell | n.d.
Sleep Terpenes for Sleep: Does it Help & Which Strain to Choose | Steven Cargyle | Finest Labs | September 2021
- The Herb of the Magi: Zoroaster’s Good Narcotic | Chris Bennett | Cannabis Culture | October 2019
- God on High | Krishna Andavolu | Weediquette | October 2016
Even more…
Still craving information? The below articles have even more cannabis related information.
FDA Regulation of Cannabis and Cannabis-Derived Products, including Cannabidiol (CBD)
US Food & Drug Administration | January 2021
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
Michelle Alexander | The New Press | 2010
Dennis Peron and the Passage of Proposition 215
The O’Shaughnessy’s Reader
Legalize It All: How to win the war on drugs
Dan Baum | Harper’s Magazine | April 2016
Additional Resources
Department of Licensing & Consumer Affairs
Property & Procurement Building
8201 Subbase, Suite 1
St. Thomas, VI 00802
Office Hours
Mon – Fri : 8am - 4pm
Sat & Sun : Closed
Excluding federal and local holidays
Contact Us
(340) 714-9755

The Virgin Islands Office of Cannabis Regulations develops and supports the cannabis industry of the Virgin Islands to allow for the beneficial use of cannabis in a regulated system.